Monday, October 11, 2010

Crossing off my list

Last night I made myself a long “to do” List to prepare for my parents coming into town this weekend… If only they came every month then my house would get the Deep cleaning every month… anyways.. I’m pretty good about it though… So today I decided to knock out the big stuff. I put away all my craft/scrapbooking stuff and if you know me or if you have ever been to my house my cricut is always out because I am always using it!!! I love it and use it weekly to help make little projects and pages for Connor to learn his alphabet. ok so that done. Then the backyard… something I, deep down inside feel like is the man’s job but since Kiel has been working so much lately I hate asking him. So cleaning up from our big storm last week I raked up all the leaves and in efforts to get our grass healthy again I made sure I did a great job. I used the leaf blower to take care of the rest of the yard. 2 large black bags I filled with fallen leaves and dead grass… fun.

Next.. I had a little time before I made lunch… so we went upstairs and while the kids played I boxed up some of the clothes that don’t fit Chloe anymore. I have been really good about keeping the kid’s outgrown clothes organized by size and sex so in the future I can give them away (in case we don’t have anymore little ones…). finished that up and put another filled box away….

Lunch and then naptime…. While the kids ate their lunch I vacuumed and mopped downstairs.. gotta love my Shark Mop!!!

While the kids were down I thought I would tackle.. organizing the garage. It’s crazy but it seems like we organize the garage every 6 months.. like clockwork. But this time I was on my own and it was kinda nice. I feel like Kiel works so hard at work that I was so excited to show him what all I had done. I was proud of myself. I had conquered the 2 man areas of the house!! Done and Done! It has been a good day here at the house.

Kiel on the other hand had a rough day.. poor guy. He had 3 tires blow out on him… 2 trailer tires and one on his truck… so by the time he finally got home (3pm) he was tired. He was impressed at what I had done and maybe a little relieved he didn’t have to help me when any of them:) Sorry Kiel. Love you.

1 comment:

JenW said...

good for you! you are very productive! i love days like that!