Thursday, July 8, 2010

“Horsing Around”

Chloe's Swing

Chloe is already so brave. She sees her big brother doing so many fun things… and I know she’ll be the daring one. Connor has always been very cautious and careful.. but, we don’t think Chloe will be that way. At the end of this clip you can see Chloe start to dive. Yes, she totally face planted it on the floor. Poor girl. Oh well, a couple hours later, after a mini nap (she tired herself out) she was doing it again. She has already climbed the stairs a couple of times very quickly trying to keep up to Connor. I found them both once and ONLY once upstairs both playing in his room. AHH!!!! The gate on the stairs is now in full effect!! “She’s not a baby anymore” is what Kiel keeps telling me:(  it just makes me a little sad to think if she’s our last baby… then it’s going way to fast! She’s already so big.

1 comment:

Just Craptastic... said...

They do get big way too fast. My little one is 21 months now. My baby girl :(. It's sad, but she's the fifth, so I think we're done!! Take care!