Monday, October 19, 2009

This weekend

Last Friday was opening day of the Arizona State Fair. It was only $1 to get in so we went with Marc and Mikia... It was crazy hot yet again... 100 degrees the car said when we left so it was a little uncomfortable and tough for Connor but we had fun.

Connor started out on the bear but then he realized saying "NaaaNaaa" over and over again was more fun.. than saying "RaaRaaorr" so on a horse we went....

Connor loved walking around and seeing all the smelly animals!!

There was a cute little petting area that Connor loved.. he went around and carefully patted the animals saying "soft, soft"...

Connor thought the entire time that he was the guide... he like all the cows.. "mooMoo"

Connor and his best friend... Daddy!

Kiel and Marc had a contest to see who hit the hardest... Marc won!! Poor Kiel.

1 comment:

Kathy said...

I wish I could have been there. I like smelly animals too.