Friday, March 11, 2011

You swallowed a…..

A Funny story from today….

Today at the park a lady in my ward… Sara Jensen came up to me and said…

“Connor just came up to me and said, Sister Jensen what is in your belly? (she’s 9 months pregnant)

and I told him that there was a baby inside my belly. Connor responded by saying, You swallowed a Baby?!?!?

Now to explain… I had to hold back my laughter a little as I told Sara that we have been reading the Classic book, The old lady who swallowed a fly.

I just thought that was really cute and funny that Connor thought she actually swallowed a baby:)And of course we read that story again this evening… Gotta love it.

1 comment:

Just Craptastic... said...

Now THAT is a great story! Thanks for sharing!