Thursday, March 24, 2011

Enough is Enough…

Tuesday morning 3:30AM Kiel calls me and tells me his truck broke down again and asked if I would come get him. So I woke the kids up and we jumped into the car to rescue Daddy. He took the car back out to finish all he could for the day.

Kiel texted me and asked me to start researching a Large enough SUV that would pull his trailer.

This has been something we’ve thinking about doing for a very long time…  this will help if Kiel’s truck is broken down. It will help in so many ways. It was emotional for me to let the Passat go but it’s a win-win situation for everyone.

So our new “ride” is a 2003 Ford Excursion, Diesel. Super Clean and really nice on the inside. Much nicer than I had anticipated. It was really taken care of.



We really like it and currently it’s out working with Kiel right now so it’s already pulling it’s weight… haha….


Arian said...

Wow! Those are some "big" changes for your family! Do the kids love it? I know my boys loved it when we went from my Altima (that I loved!) to the Trailblazer. So much more room for them. Congrats on not being a mini van mom! Ha ha. :)

The Wendelschafer's said...

I know right.... I feel like I skipped a couple of steps going from a Car to a HUGE Momma truck... but it will come in handy. Girls Camp here we come:) But YEah Connor loves it.. he keeps saying he has a new Blue truck...