Sunday, March 13, 2011

Lo-Lo’s Chicken and Waffles

top-bgLast night Kiel and I met up with his 2 brothers and their wives for dinner. The 6 of us met at Lo-Lo’s Chicken and Waffles in Scottsdale. Under recommendation of Kiel’s brother Marc we all went to try it out for the first time.  Oh boy…. we were impressed. Not only was it delicious… it was authentic. Their chicken was delicious and they had the BEST hot sauce.. the waffles… yumm…. and they even had Kool-Aid… seriously? Yes… they called it DrAnk. A night without kids, adult conversation and fabulous food… Fantastic! needless to say.. I am sure we’ll be making another trip to Scottsdale! Delicious!!!



Angie Milne said...

we totally LOVE lo-los!!! we went to the phoenix one a while back and have been craving it ever since! haha and I love their "jar o' drank" sooo yummy! we should double!!!

ps thanks for the cupcakes! you are the cutest!

The Wendelschafer's said...

oh good you got them!! I was worried... I am glad you like them... Yes we should double sometime... I am sure Kiel would love an excuse to go again!! Anytime.