Wednesday, May 12, 2010

9 Month Checkup

On Monday I took Chloe to see our favorite Dr. Leavitt for her 9 month checkup. Here's my girl:
Height- 28 1/4" (75%)
Weight - 20lbs 1oz (70%)
Head - 17 3/4" (75%)
She's healthy and happy.... (well expect for the teething part... not so happy)
Dr. Leavitt says we can start feeding her eggs and meats.. we just need to still mash it all, due to NO TEETH:)
*Love you Chloe*

I had to add this little clip... This is Chloe and Connor playing in the hallway at church on Sunday... I have to give up for Chloe, It's tough being a girl. Crawling in a dress is tough stuff.

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