Sunday, January 2, 2011

January 2011

When I was little… my dad would come home in the evening from work and eat dinner… at that point I would sneak out of bed… and come sit on his lap or even on the table and beg for food from him. That’s how we bonded…. right dad? Well our little Chloe has started to do the same thing with Kiel.. just a different meal. This was last Friday. We obviously were having a lazy day hence, Chloe is still in her pj’s but right after I had fed the kids their lunch Kiel came home from work. I made his lunch and set it on the table. I swear the quiet noise of the plate hitting the table sets Chloe off.. she stops whatever she is doing and runs to her Daddy. It’s like clockwork everyday.  Kiel never minds sharing but that particular day he said he wouldn’t share his shrimp but she could have some of his rice…. She loves her daddy…DSCN2335

Today  we had some changes. Our church went from 8:30 to 10:30, which is wonderful!!!!!!! Plus Connor moved up to the Sunbeam class!!!! He’s in primary full time now! He wasn’t too thrilled about me leaving him so I stuck around until they started to sing then snuck out without him noticing. He had a great time. He has 2 new teachers that I hope will have patience with this rowdy bunch. One thing that Connor really enjoys about primary are the songs. Everyday for naptime and bedtime he listens to a couple of primary CD’s I made for him to help him learn the songs. He now requests Kiel and I to sing with him at most meals. Here in the clip… an example… he’s getting pretty good!

1 comment:

LilMisfit said...

Connor is such a cute boy! We are so glad that he is in Primary. He is going to do just fine.
