This morning Connor and Chloe earned their last Quarter to make their goal of $20 each! They are excited to go shopping for each other. They are really helpful around the house but this made things a little more fun for them. I am sure we’ll make another chart sometime after Christmas so they can earn more for toys or whatever they want…. it’s been a fun experience… now comes the shopping! I plan on brining the kids home and helping them wrap their presents for each other. Should be interesting… but will make for a Fun Christmas!
Saturday, November 26, 2011
20 Big Ones
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Tire Swing
About a month ago Kiel replaced some tires on his truck but he asked if they would save one of the tires for him. We had briefly talked about doing this.. but Kiel took the ball and ran with it. Yesterday we found the time to go out and get other supplies to make our Tire Swing!! It was a fun project to do with Kiel while the kids were napping. We cleaned the tire and painted it with a thick coat of Latex paint. Kiel drilled the holes and we put it up. The kids woke up from their naps ready to play!! They love their new swing. I think Chloe would sit on it all day if I let her. This morning already we’ve spent almost a half hour out there… I am glad they like it. Thanks to Daddy for his great idea!!! It might get a little hot in the summer…. but for now it’s Perfect!
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Halloween this year I have to admit was more fun than last… The kids both loved dressing up and really got into the spirit of things. We have a couple of Halloween books that we read every night this past month along with our usual bedtime stories. The kids loved talking about Ghosts, goblins, witches and spiders… Halloween morning we were invited to Halloween party. A lady in our ward has a preschool and she invited more kids to come and play and celebrate with her students. Connor, aka.. Spiderman loved the bouncy house, Chloe…uh… not so much : ( We mixed it up a little bit and she dressed as Dorothy. It’s a little big on her but I had to put her in it!
As promised…. after dinner time Kiel and I took the kids and Super Petey out to trick or treat!! It only took a couple of houses for them to get into the groove of things. My favorite part was standing on the side walk and hearing Chloe scream “THANK YOU” after each house!! Half way through I had to empty her bag because it was getting to heavy for her to carry…
*I made Petey’s cape from left over felt I had. It was completely covered in dog hairs at the end of the night… but it was a hit.
I didn’t get a ton of great pictures but you get the point… Princess Chloe was a hit… she quickly learned that it was faster to cut across the grass in every yard even though we told her not too…. oh well…We came home and crashed!! It was a great night!