Sunday, January 17, 2010

Disney on Ice

Yesterday... Kiel, Connor and I went to see Disney's on Ice!! As an early Birthday present Kiel thought it would be fun to take Connor. He was so excited! We had really great seats (thanks Grandma Miller!). First came out Mickey and Minnie... then Donald and Goofy.. Connor loved them and was so surprised to see each character pop out. Next was the CARS characters... and if anyone doesn't know already Connor is OBSESSED with the Cars movie. He literally freaked out when he saw Mater!!
Sally, Mater and Flow....
Then his favorite... McQUEEN!!!!!
Connor had a hard time holding back his excitement in his own chair... it would start to fold up on him.. so he ended up sitting in both Kiel and my laps.. At one point during the show he was so mad that he had to go potty... We hurried back though:)
Next was the Lion King... I didn't get a lot of good shots of these guys.. they were moving too fast!!
Next was little mermaid (No pictures) and Tinkerbell... during these portions Connor grew a little impatient... I thought maybe the cars would come back out...
The cars never came back out:( But Mickey, Minnie, Donald and Goofy did to say goodbye.
Here's a little video of the Lion King part.... We had a really good time!

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