Last Saturday both my parents drove down here to help celebrate my birthday Week!! We celebrated a week early so my dad could be apart. We went out Saturday to Famous Dave’s BBQ.. one of my favorites. It was delicious and they shared some of my B-day presents. They always spoil me. Love them for that.

I think this picture is from Sunday night after church and a nice relaxing day. The kids really really enjoyed having their grandparents here.

Grandma to the rescue. Every year I like the challenge of creating the kid’s costumes. This year my mom took my week long project and helped me finish in a couple of hours. Their costumes will have to be a secret until Friday night for the Trunk or Treat!!! Thank you mommy.

My dad sponsored, Mom and I to do and get our nails beautified!! To make things fun for Connor I had the lady paint a fun black spider on my toe. Connor thought it was awesome!

Fortunately just as my parents came into town the weather started to cool off and it was beautiful. This time of year is just addicting. We find reasons to go outside and play. I love knowing that Connor and go outside and play without getting heat stroke.

My parents stayed at a time share and they weren’t allowed to have Suki stay with so Suki shacked up with us. She was fun. Connor loved they she would snuggle with him at night and during nap time. He was happy to go to bed each night knowing he could snuggle with HIS Suki. Maybe we can rent her out sometime again.
If anyone doesn’t know my mom.. she is a “project” person and being her daughter I am the same way. So almost everyday we had a project. One day we made these fun jewelry holder blocks that I found on one of those fun/creative blogs.
Another day she taught me how to replace the screen on our sliding glass door. Now with a cool breeze running through the house it’s wonderful.

Another day we met up with a couple of my girlfriends for lunch but before we met at the delicious Joes Farm House Grill, Connor and I went over to the Famous Coffee Shop. They were on the Food Network on the Cupcake Wars and They Won.. so naturally I had to go check it out. The cupcakes were so gorgeous I had to get some. When I brought them home we all wanted to try a little of each of them so I quartered them and we picked which one was our favorite. Mine was the lemon.. DELICIOUS.. and you can’t go wrong with eatable glitter!!!

Lastly.. for my birthday Kiel surprised me with getting me a Miniature Meyer Lemon tree. He was sneaky while I was out at a client’s house on Friday he went out and started his project. He told me that is would take a good year for the tree to produce any good lemons.. My first thought.. oh boy.. it’s a “future gift” Thanks to Grandma Miller (Valerie) I have been scarred from future gifts :) Just kidding. I am excited.
It was fantastic having my parents here to visit. They always refresh my spirits. I pray that someday we will live closer but until that day I am grateful that we get to see each other as often as we do. Love you guys.